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Category: Master Your Money

Laying Your Financial Foundation: A Guide To Mint Transactions

Laying Your Financial Foundation: A Guide To Mint Transactions

A photo of brick and mortar at a jobsite, illustrating how Mint Transactions constitute the bricks in your financial foundation.
Photo by alexeddy1010, CC0 1.0 license

Understand where your money is going. Align your spending with your values. Make your financial goals a reality. Obtain the freedom to live the life you’ve always wanted.

A highly-optimized and easy-to-implement financial plan can deliver on all of the above. And if you’ve been following the Master Your Money series from the beginning, you’re on track to create just that.

In this article we’ll walk through how to use Mint transactions to lay the foundation upon which you will build the money management system that can power you to financial freedom. So grab your trowel, and let’s get started!

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De-stress, Save $130,000, & Preserve The Planet With Online Bill Pay

De-stress, Save $130,000, & Preserve The Planet With Online Bill Pay

Close-up of a carpet of three-leafed clover, illustrating the three primary benefits of online bill pay.
Photo by Higher-TJ, CC0 1.0 license

A rich, uninterrupted carpet of bright green clover is one of the more pleasing sights to the eye of this veteran wildlife food plotter.

But the above photo represents more than just a nice visual. The typical three-leaf clover is also a perfect symbol of the three primary advantages of online bill pay.

Let’s take an up-close look at how this basic functionality can take the stress out of bill payment, save you some serious cash, and preserve our planet, all at the same time.

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Mint To The Rescue: Your Bill Pay Safety Net

Mint To The Rescue: Your Bill Pay Safety Net

A NYC fire engine streaking down a street with lights ablaze, en route to a call. The photo illustrates how Mint is standing by to come to your bill pay rescue.
A NYC fire engine with lights ablaze, streaking down a street en route to a call.
FDNY Fire Truck” by Ciaran McHugh, CC BY 2.0 license

Bills – one of the most critical aspects of any money management plan. No, I’m not referring to the type that have Benjamin Franklin, Andrew Jackson, or George Washington on their face.

I’m talking about the type that list your name, account number, balance, and due date. The kind that tie your stomach up in knots, increase your blood pressure, and result in late fees if you don’t pay them on time.

It’s time to put those possibilities in the rear-view mirror and eliminate your bill-related stress for good. Today I’m going to show you how Mint is standing by to come to your rescue with a bill pay safety net which will help prevent you from ever forgetting to pay a bill again. Continue Reading

Personal Finance Made Easy: Master Your Money With Mint

Personal Finance Made Easy: Master Your Money With Mint

A boardwalk winding through a mossy forest, illustrating the journey to financial freedom made possible by Mint.
Photo by albertmt10, CC0 1.0 license

Every journey starts with just a single step. In many cases that first step is the most important, as it represents the difference between thought and action, hesitation and commitment.

Today I’m inviting you to take the very first step on your personal journey to financial freedom – a destination every bit as enchanting as the photo above.

Taking this first step has the potential to forever change your life. It will put you in the driver’s seat of your finances, and give you control over your money like you’ve never had before.

So hoist up that backpack and let’s set out – I’ll be guiding you every step of the way.

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Open The Door To Financial Freedom With Online Banking

Open The Door To Financial Freedom With Online Banking

A partly-opened door revealing a footpath, illustrating how online banking is a prerequisite of beginning the journey to financial freedom.
Photo by Tama66, CC0 1.0 license

Accessible. Simple. Convenient. Efficient. Automatic.

As all workout warriors and diet veterans can affirm, these are core requirements of any successful fitness plan. Without these characteristics, most physical fitness journeys fail before they’ve truly started.

Similarly, becoming financially fit and achieving financial freedom requires a game plan possessing all of these same attributes. Crafting such a plan is a tall order, but after reading this article you’ll be well on your way to answering the bell.

Today we’re peeking through the keyhole at how online banking can open the door to your path to financial freedom.

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The Money Map: Identifying Your Financial Starting Point

The Money Map: Identifying Your Financial Starting Point

A pin labeled "You Are Here" sticking into an atlas-style road map, illustrating the absolute necessity of identifying your financial starting point prior to charting a course to your financial goals.
Photo © Tashatuvango via, Royalty-Free license

If you’ve ever attempted to follow a map to a given destination while unaware of your exact location, you know how frustrating and fruitless of an endeavor this can be.

Whether as a tourist, road-tripper, or mall-shopper, most of us have found ourselves in this situation at least once before. We all know the uncomfortable feeling of uncertainty that ensues – the second-guessing, the traveling in circles, the lost time and frustration.

It’s no mere accident that standard navigation software such as Google Maps, Apple Maps, and MapQuest require users to either input a starting location or enable the automatic tracking of their current location prior to providing directions to the selected destination. Continue Reading

Saddle Up, Rodeo Cowboy: Time To Master Your Money Bronco

Saddle Up, Rodeo Cowboy: Time To Master Your Money Bronco

You need to saddle up and master your money like this rodeo cowboy has mastered the art of riding a bucking bronco.
 Photo by gay2016, CC0 1.0 license

To date we’ve examined the elite annual income of the average American, the monumental impact of simply being intentional with your money, and the phenomenal power of compound interest.

Now comes the fun part – it’s time to start putting all of this new-found knowledge to work.

I’ve been letting you off easy in terms of practical application of the topics covered so far. But like a rodeo cowboy fast losing his grip, that’s all about to change in the blink of an eye because it’s time to saddle up and master your money bronco.

Are you up to the challenge?

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